Tips On Domain Name Considerations For Your New Website

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Tips on Domain Name Considerations for your New Website
Harsh @ Synergy Informatics
Now, if you’ve decided to build a website for yourself, and you know what all things you’re going to put on your website. And you’re done with design & content of the website as well as its development. If this is your first website, then you must be wondering about how the website will go online? Or how to put it on internet that others can access?
Now, you’ll require a domain name and a web hosting account suitable to meet your purpose. So let’s find out what is domain & website hosting – Domain Name It can be a complicated task when deciding to build a website, but choosing the right domain name is even more complicated. A good domain name can get more traffic compared to not so good domain name. Once you decide to build a website for yourself, you should and must register your own domain name. So what exactly is a domain name? A domain name is a unique name which identifies your website on the internet. Its like a your telephone number. So when someone put your domain name in address bar, your website will be open in his browser. Suffixes are included in a domain name, which are referred as Top Level Domain (TLD). These TLD’s are based on the category of organization that they are related to. Below you’ll find some of the popular Tld: .com used for commercial business website, most common among all Tlds used, .biz is also used for same purpose .edu used for educational institute .gov used for government agency .net used for commercial network .org for not profit organizations There are also country specific domains like .in & for India .uk for United Kingdome .ca for Canada .us for United States and the like.. Because identity is given to a website through the domain name, selecting the correct one can be a rather complicated task. The key is to select a domain name that is simple to remember, and essentially a domain name that refers to the content or products and services that you’re providing. Incorporating keywords when selecting a domain name shall assist you, because this will give higher search engine results for your website in search results.
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Tips on Domain Name Considerations for your New Website