How To Nurse And Train Your New Puppy?

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Submitted by: Sharon Bolt
It is very exciting for a family when a new puppy enters their home and lives. Every member of the family wants to hold and play with the new puppy. Although, this is fun time for every member of the family,besides this is the actual time when you have to lay a foundation for socializing and training your new puppy to avoid any problems later. A Proper training and acculturation is much easier than correcting behavioral problems such as aggression later on.
Getting your new puppy on the right track with a proper training is very important. It helps the pet in becoming a descent member of his/her human family. There are a number of talents that every new puppy must master, including going up and down the steps, accepting a new collar with whole The best time for introducing your new puppy to the family is when everyone in the home is present and the household is as calm as achievable. This is the reason why animal care experts avert parents from giving puppies and kittens as holiday presents. Holiday season is extremely busy with far too many distractions for a young puppy or kitten to get the right acuteness he/she needs. It is better to postpone the introduction ceremony of the new pet and wait until the holidays have passed.
Once the puppy has become part of your family, there are some other things as well that he/she needs to learn. The first challenge for a pet in a multi- floor home is to learn to climb up and down the steps. Usually, Many puppies are afraid of stairs which means that they do not know how to climb on stairs properly. It is very important for the puppy’s owner to boost up the puppy’s confidence gradually. The owner should stand at the bottom of the stairs for encouraging the pup. In general, a wide stairway will probably be less frightening to the puppy.
To blow up the confidence, the owner should initiate by going up the first step, then encourage the puppy to join, using their voice, treats or a toy. After the puppy has joined on the first stair, go back down and repeat all the process until the puppy goes up that step on his own. It is important to build up confidence in the puppy, no matter slowly and steadily rather than rushing the process. Taking one step at a time is the best approach for teaching the puppy. It is very important to build confidence in your puppy so that he/she is not afraid of climbing the stairs.
The Other necessary lesson that every new puppy must learn is how to acquire a new collar. It is extremely important for every dog to learn about wearing a collar. But mostly the puppies are baffled, frightened and bewildered by this new accessory. In most cases, puppies tend to remove their new collar by pawing and pulling it.
On the other side, the owner should learn to choose a right collar for his/her new puppy. An accurately fitted collar is more comfortable and acceptable for a puppy. You can go for properly fitted Slip collars and training collars for your new pup. Although choke collars can be good training aids but they should never be used as an alternate for a sturdy buckle type collar. The collar must have an ID tag and license attached with it so that it aids in the recovery of your puppy in case he/she gets lost.
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About the Author: If you are looking for more valuable information on Puppy training and caring please visit our website
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